
Room Reservation Request Form for St Brendan Ministries/Organizations

*PLEASE NOTE: Rooms on the St. Brendan Campus can only be reserved by St. Brendan Ministries/Organizations and by parishioners who are celebrating a sacrament, when the sacrament is performed at St. Brendan.* Fill out this form to request a room reservation. Your request will be reviewed and a confirmation will be sent to you within 3 days.

Room Reservation Request Form for St Brendan Ministries and Organizations
Event Start Time
Event End Time
Make this Event repeat?
How often?
First and Last Name - This will be the person who is in charge and attending the event.
Simply type "NONE" if Facility Staff are not needed to be on-site for the event.
Is set-up required, by the Facility Staff, for this event?
What setup, if any, do you want the Facility Staff to do to prepare for the event? Please as specific as possible. (Simply type "none" if you have no set-up needs)
Resources: A/V Equipment
Please indicate above any resources you may need for your meeting or event. Check all that apply.
Resources: General
Please indicate above any resources you may need for your meeting or event. Check all that apply.
Resources: Warming Kitchen (in Davidson Rd. Meeting Hall)
Please indicate above any resources you may need for your meeting or event. Check all that apply.
DOOR SCHEDULE: What time do you want the door(s) to unlock (include set-up time)?
The door schedule is determined by set-up time + event time + clean-up time.
DOOR SCHEDULE: What time do you want the door(s) to lock (include clean-up time)?
The door schedule is determined by set-up time + event time + clean-up time.
(These are the doors that will be scheduled to be unlocked/locked through the security system for the event. If no doors should be unlocked, please choose none.)
Are there outdoor event options?
Do you want to add remarks to the Parish Calendar?
Do you want to include notes to Event Scheduler?