To view our parish ministry & group’s immediate “Needs” please click HERE
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are trained and commissioned to distribute the Eucharist to our homebound parishioners and to one of our 17 parish-area care facilities.
Jennifer Rice | 614.876.1272 ext. 227 |
This group offers service to those in our community who are needy and suffering. Monthly meetings are held to discuss financial support requests from the needy of our community. View our annual report HERE
Heather Carrier |
We are dedicated to the celebration and sanctity of life from conception to natural death. We promote this through prayer, raising awareness, and physical support of various life ministries in our area.
Martin Mitchell |
St Brendan Knights of Columbus sponsor Red Cross blood drives throughout the year. Blood drives posted on our website, in the bulletin, or go to Appointments: 1.800.733.2767.
Jeff Lehr |
Members help establish strong Christian communities among the populations of Ohio correctional institutions. Many parishioners support the Kairos weekends by donating cookies to show Christ’s love and forgiveness.
Tim Reno |
We work with other area churches as Hilliard Adopt-A-House. Through Habitat for Humanity Mid-Ohio, we build affordable housing for families in central Ohio. Members of St Brendan who are age 16 or older are welcome to join our ministry for both construction work and providing lunch for volunteers. We work on Wednesdays and Saturdays when a new house build or rehab project is in progress. You will find photos of our past projects at
Paula Santa |
Bonnie Roberts |
Volunteers are occasionally needed to assist the parish office staff with office activities and parish projects. And we enjoy having our parishioners working with us in the office!
Teresa Boyne | 614.876.1272 ext 221|
Parishioners who knit and crochet create prayer shawls for the homebound, grieving, and ill. Members join in as the meeting times work for them or work on their own at home.
Kathy Endrizzi|
St Brendan parishioners donate gifts for local families and social service agencies. Volunteers sort and prepare the gifts for distribution to families. This project covers just a few weeks and requires very little time, but we do need volunteers to assist with the tree preparation and the gift sorting.
Rhonda Hamrock |
This group tends the church, school and rectory grounds. Activities include weeding, watering, and planting where needed.
Contact parish office |
On Fridays furing Lent we offer the parish and the community-at-large a great Fish Fry experience. This event funds an annual school trip and a lot of volunteers are needed to make it happen. Please join us! See details on our Parish Events web page at
This spectacular once-a-year activity is also the major fundraiser for the parish!! There is a myriad of volunteer opportunities from being part of the organizing group or as a volunteer during the festival itself. Join us! See details on our Parish Events web page at
Mike Lynch |