Parish Events

Parish Lenten Fish Fry

2025 St Brendan Fish Fry to benefit 8th Grade Class Trips is March 7, 14, 21, 28 and April 4, 5-7 PM in the school cafeteria. Shrimp is served April 4. $15/adults and $6/children meals. Carryout available. Proceeds go to support the 8th Grade Class trips. Check back for menu and volunteer link coming soon. Sign up to volunteer HERE. Click HERE for Menu and prices. Questions? Contact the school office at 614-876-6132

Young Couples Date Night, March 28

St Brendan and Knights of Columbus will host date night for young couples (again!) on Friday, March 28, 6:30-8 PM! We'll provide dinner and take care of the kids (up to 5 years old). Share your stories and learn from other Catholic couples about the joys and challenges of marriage and raising children over dinner and social time. The Knights of Columbus continue their five-part video series "The Mission of the Family" with small group discussion afterwards to explore the beauty and greatness of God's gift of marriage and the family. No cost to you! Questions? Contact Chuck at and RSVP by March 24 HERE or find more details at

St Brendan Prayer Teams

Our St Brendan Prayer Teams look forward to praying in person with you and lifting your intentions up to Jesus with faith, hope and love. Two trained prayer team members will be available to pray with you, privately and confidentially, in the gathering area the second Sunday of each month following 8:45 AM Mass. Join us to intercede for you and ask Jesus to answer our prayers!

POD Nursery Volunteers Needed

Volunteers are needed for the POD Nursery, which is open during 8:45 & 10:45 AM Sunday Masses for children 6 months to 4 years old. Seniors are welcome and encouraged to volunteer as well as those parents who utilize the nursery throughout the year (and your "mature" children are welcome to help out too!) To sign up to help, contact nursery coordinator, Christina Perez at Volunteers 18+ must be Safe Environment compliant. Sign up for a Protecting God's Children Class at or find our volunteer policies HERE

2025 Catholic Summer Youth Camp

Registration for 2025 Catholic Summer Youth Camp opened, Wednesday, October 23 (for current grades 5-11.) Again this year for Catholic Youth Summer Camp, St Brendan parish will provide $100 towards each of our first 100 students to register (cost per session is $620). If anyone is in need of financial assistance, please contact Jacob Doran at Register HERE and use the code BRENHILL25 to receive the discount.

Annual Events