Parish Events

Esto Vir Men's Ministry

The freshly rebranded men's ministry, Esto Vir, invites the adult men of our community to recharge, socialize, and grow every weekend. Hear from the wives and mothers who have witnessed the power of faith and fellowship that men can find at St Brendan the Navigator in a video HERE, and prayerfully consider discovering more on Saturday mornings at 6:30 AM!  Pick up a postcard at the Welcome Desk with all the Men's upcoming events! Join St Brendan’s vibrant Esto Vir ministry this winter to sharpen your faith! Questions? Contact Grant Rice at

It's not too late to journey together in the Davidson Room with other men as we unpack St Francis de Sales' Introduction to the Devout Life.

Gather in the Davidson Room to experience The Chosen (season 3) and to break bread, build community, bolster your faith and to pray. Join us anytime!

Ministry to the Homebound & Facilities

EMHC’s ARE NEEDED – Hearts of compassion and service are needed for our ministry to the Homebound & Facilities. We have openings for facilities during the week to bring Communion to our brothers and sisters there. All training is provided (along with shadowing) and you do not need to have been an EMHC previously. Contact Jen at or the office to find out more to see if this is a way God is calling you to serve.

St Brendan Prayer Teams

Our St Brendan Prayer Teams look forward to praying in person with you and lifting your intentions up to Jesus with faith, hope and love. Two trained prayer team members will be available to pray with you, privately and confidentially, in the gathering area the second Sunday of each month following 8:45 AM Mass. Join us to intercede for you and ask Jesus to answer our prayers!

Spring Sports Registration is Now Open

St Brendan spring sports registration is now open for parish and school families for: Grades 4-8 Baseball, 4-8 Softball, 2-3 Coach Pitch Baseball, 2-3 Coach Pitch Softball, Track and Field, K-3 Spring Soccer and Little Spikers Volleyball. To register and for details, visit

POD Nursery Volunteers Needed

Volunteers are needed for the POD Nursery, which is open during 8:45 & 10:45 AM Sunday Masses for children 6 months to 4 years old. Seniors are welcome and encouraged to volunteer as well as those parents who utilize the nursery throughout the year (and your "mature" children are welcome to help out too!) To sign up to help, contact nursery coordinator, Christina Perez at Volunteers 18+ must be Safe Environment compliant. Sign up for a Protecting God's Children Class at or find our volunteer policies HERE

Support our School Families

There is no method more effective to support Catholic families than a gift to the Emmaus Road Scholarship Fund. Even if you don’t think of you or your family being in a place to be a “donor” to any initiative right now, Emmaus Road is unique. Those who contribute will receive a dollar-for-dollar credit on their Ohio income tax! You will be refunded your entire gift amount at tax time and a school family will receive the gift next fall. You're doubling your money for Catholic families! The limit for the matching credit is $750 for individuals and $1,500 for couples filing jointly. Learn more, confirm eligibility, and make your gift at or visit the Welcome Desk for a remittance envelope. Be sure to select "St. Brendan School" as the grantor of the scholarship. *This is not tax advice. Speak with a tax advisor to confirm eligibility.

2025 Catholic Summer Youth Camp

Registration for 2025 Catholic Summer Youth Camp opened, Wednesday, October 23 (for current grades 5-11.) Again this year for Catholic Youth Summer Camp, St Brendan parish will provide $100 towards each of our first 100 students to register (cost per session is $620). If anyone is in need of financial assistance, please contact Jacob Doran at Register HERE and use the code BRENHILL25 to receive the discount.

Columbus Catholic Conferences

WOMEN’S CONFERENCE IS FEB 15 – Women of the parish are invited for a day away to grow in your faith, experience the strength of sisterhood and be affirmed in your vocation as a Catholic woman. As your emcee for the conference again this year, I cannot express how just one day can spark new life into your faith life, which extends into your relationships. The speakers are stellar with the theme of Created for this Moment. Music is offered by The Vigil Project, whom we hosted here last Lent. A beautiful Holy Hour, Vigil Mass, Confession and even shopping await you! Please join me! To carpool from St Brendan, meet no later than 6:45 AM. There are some parking changes this year that will be communicated via email. I can't wait to see you all! (–Jen Rice) Register at

MEN’S CONFERENCE IS FEB 22 – Heaven is the Mission, and as men we are called to get our friends and families as close to Heaven as possible. How? Prepare, practice, and build yourself up by attending the 2025 Catholic Men's Conference! Speakers like Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers will challenge us to be a better man through our faith; Dr Ray Guarendi, national radio and television host, will encourage us in strengthening marriages and families; and Mark Hartfiel will teach us the importance of male leadership and setting a strong example. There is nothing more powerful than 2,000+ men on their knees in Adoration praying for their families, their Church and their communities, receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and gearing up to be the saints we are called to be. Register today at

Support Our School Auction

The St Brendan Home & School Association will hold its 22nd annual auction and dinner fundraiser, BACK TO THE 80's, which will be held March 1 at St Brendan School. For details on purchasing event tickets (by Feb 15), making donations or becoming a sponsor, click HERE

GIVING TREES & RAFFLE BASKETS – Our Auction & Dinner Giving Trees to donate items to help fill baskets are up in the church gathering area until February 9 or, donate items via our Amazon WishList HERE. Also, consider putting together a basket (completed but not wrapped) either individually or with a group. Sign up HERE to let us know what type of basket you are planning. Drop the baskets off after February 3 at the School Office (during school hours) or email to arrange a pick-up/drop-off.

TOTALLY RAD RAFFLE TICKETS – Our ever-popular 50/50 raffle is back! Please sign up if you would like to help sell tickets after Masses in the next couple weeks (via SignUpGenius here) or purchase raffle tickets HERE

CORPORATE DONATIONS & SPONSORS – Corporate donations are a huge success factor for our school auction – every contribution counts! View the information in our Corporate Donation Letter & Form attached below in this email and share it with anyone you know who has a business. Questions? Email Dionne McCarthy (Chairperson) at

Annual Events